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A member registered Apr 24, 2017

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haha good sir, the latency you are talking about has no significance to what you are trying to measure. if you see the start of the roll and end of the roll in your recorded video thats all you need to measure, how that video got to your phone doesn't matter at that point.  I think you will find that measuring down to the 2 -3 milliseconds of inaccuracy in an iphone recording device is so imperceptible. I change my rates by 2-3 degrees per second sometimes and its honestly not even noticeable as you fly.  some advice, I would start the roll going and then start recording on like your second or third loop, that way you avoid the speed up and slow down of your fingers on the sticks : ) cheers

the way I figured out rates is to video record your screen with your phone  doing rolls and yaw, then analyze the footage to figure out your degrees per second

AWESOME!!! I got it to match an x(squared) curve by using the super expo in cleanflight only, not regular expo. fly's amazing. thanks for the insight

Thanks so much! that totally helps, checking out that graph right now and I can probably match it. Thanks for your time. regards, Michael

in the most basic terms I mean. currently I run like 72% expo on pitch and roll, and I think about my rates in terms of degrees per second. I have just the demo of fpv freerider recharged, and I love the way it feels on "high rates." I realize the camera angle is too low, but other than that I would love to replicate it. Thanks for the help

Hi! actually I love the expo and default settings, I want to set my drone to match it, what is the expo in the game? thanks so much, awesome game